Monday, April 19, 2010

Photoshop Tuts?

So I was thinking the last few days...

I no longer wish to tear out my own neck with my shaved-bone fingers, in a bloody cacophony of hatred and depression whenever I see a camera or Photoshop... In face I am enjoying taking pictures again, and shopping them.

I also realized that most of the tuts on the net, for Photoshop, are for strange crap, or fixing small things in a photo... But none of them show you just how to use Photoshop, or elaborate on what certain tools do, and why they are different from all the other ones.

So I was thinking I could fill this niche, that is if people actually would want to see something like that.

My question is: You guys think I should do that?


Lord of the Eeple said...

I guess it depends on the format of the tutorial, but I'd like it. The stuff that's available isn't so great, as far as I can tell, and tends to be far more time consuming than, say, asking you a simple question.

T. A. Gordon said...

They would be video tuts, I don't like the long, lengthy ones. But they would mostly be about the differences in tools, and how to use them, and why they are different. Why should you use Hue, rather then Color as a blending choice for recoloring a persons flesh, but use Color when doing a flower?
Also, if it is a video, I wouldn't have to spell nuthing' noot' so gud!

Lord of the Eeple said...

Video tutorials would be better. Otherwise you spend a lot of text describing the interface. Though it might be that screencaps would do.

Personally, a picture-heavy but not actually video instruction works best for me.

I'll just edit your spelling for you if you want to do 'em that way. I'd end up doing that in my head when I take the tutorial anyway.

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