Saturday, February 21, 2009


Because, ether I am really dumb, or the moron who invented the printer hated humans, and wished to prove to all of existence there is no god.

You know how hard it is to get a damn printer to print odd number pages, using minimal ink, then print evens on the back, just like a novel?  Now I know why it is so damn hard, and costs so much to publish a book... because the guy running the printer has to try 20840938409-234809213840923840923840-93485-09234580-93458203948 times before it is correct.

Fck Printers.

Monday, February 16, 2009


More photos.  I am too sick, and to tired to write any more.  They are all IR, and SOOC.  Oh wait, the one with the moon is Desaturated.  I like it better with a hint of color.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A revelation on Fate.

So, I am sitting here, rewriting the novel, and something occurred to me, something of an epiphany, a complete life changing revelation; an occurrence of such proportions the heavens themselves must weep!
This revelation is in relation to the concept of The Three Fates.  So many people in this world proclaim, "Fate be a harsh mistress."  Or for the more profane, "Fates a bitch."
I now know why!
Three woman and three menstrual cycles happening at once.  Now, please, don't mistake this as some insult; I have a logical reasoning behind this:
Let's face it, women on their period do suffer from increased hormones which can inhibit some rationality.  In Ancient Greece some believed it was a form of Witchcraft, or curse.  So it is not hard to venture the idea that those who created the concept of the Fates understood how they were going to be viewed (vindictive, omnipotent, generally smug) and at times seemingly chaotic.  They also knew they would be viewed as powerful and beautiful and a type of mother-figure.
Thus, the natural conclusion came: They should be woman, not because woman are chaotic and crazy... no, quit to the contrary.  They represent love and affection, giving us what we deserve right at the time we deserve it.  However, at the times we curse them for screwing something up... on those days it seems every single person on the planet is having a horrid day... just perhaps it is "that time of the month" for them.
Now, this offers an interesting concept... if The Fates do, in fact, have a menstrual cycle, then two things must be true:
1) They can give birth;
2) They age.  The menstrual cycle concludes itself with menopause, which means any living creature with a cycle, will also undergo menopause, then, as all things... die.
What happens if The Fates die?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

See! I can use Standard Digital too!

Now, isn't this pretty?  Took this last-night.  It was a whole lot colder then it was supposed to be, but we still got a good shot.  The only photoshopping here is color-enhancing of the fire, as in, I brought down some of the highlights and brought out some more shadows, then reduced some of the gradient noise that is inherent with LEP.  Outside of that, everything else is strait out of camera.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Why so Photoshopped?

I was board tonight, so I was playing around in Photoshop and turned this out.  I did not take the photo of the boy in the pic, but I did do all the awesome photoshopping.  Oh, and if you can't tell, I am totally addicted to The Dark Knight, or rather, The Joker from The Dark Knight.

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