Friday, January 30, 2009

I haz a Knol

So, I just dicovered this thing called "Knol."  If you have something to say, you can say it here. Know how to do something better then anyone else?  Write a report about it, here:

I have posted one so far, about IR, the same one I posted on my website, but I plan on doing an abridged version, also, I am planning on doing a "How To" for my LEP, and a "How To" for Color IR.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I was thinking of using Blogger...

Well, as I said before, I was going to talk about the complexities of Digital IR (Inferred) technology, but I realize, being the man I am, I would rant for a very long time, with many, many photos and pictures, so, to make this simple, I will post a link to my website with the detailed rant there.

My Website is:

The exact link to the IR Rant is:

Saturday, January 24, 2009


"What you consider dressing nice is what others would consider living in a dumpster."  -- Justin/Majin.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I love IR

I snapped this photo in IR a few days ago.  I live in Colorado and it has been 60 degrees for the last few days... normally our temperatures in this month are in the 30's and 40'sºF.
If you look at the larger file, you can see that the veins below the skin, show up as black lines.  Even veins that can not been seen with the naked eye, and IR camera can see.
Interesting fact:  IR is completely absorbed by blood, making it invisible on film.

Friday, January 16, 2009

More Photoage

So I just took this about a day ago.  I like them.  The Rose Photo is Photoshopped, all I did was enhance the color, nothing else.  The IR photo is also enhanced in the same fashion.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hell's Graveyard

INR_0084, originally uploaded by LEP Studios.

Look! Pretty IR!

I shot this along with many others a last-night. I used a Nikon D200 IR with the old school 200mm f/4D Macro lens. Why the 200, you ask? The fire got to about 2,000ªF and the glass in most Nikkor lenses melt at 800ªF

Monday, January 12, 2009

So it begins...

Well, I was informed a while back that I should start a blog if I wish to ever get a job as a true professional photographer.  I don't see how, and\or, why this will make any difference, but they way I see it, I have to much free time, so I should blog.  That's the cool thing to do when your not a teenager... right?  I'm I hip yet?

Anyway, I have a very limited concept of how this whole "interwebs" thing works.  This blog an't going to look pretty, but at least it is here!

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